Wednesday, October 3, 2012

journal 6

1. & 2.When the previous director talked and sent the director of the new school Eric's confidential medical information and educational records the confidentiality code was broken. When the new director discussed this with her teacher she violated the confidentiality code, again. The teacher telling the parents that Eric was a biter also breaks that code. She is telling the parents that essentially they are risking taking Eric on play date, because he is a biter.
3. NO the old director should have let the mother talk to the director herself, It would build trust, and allow the parent to explain what caused the situations at hand.
4.The mother and the director should have been the one to talk in a meeting.
5.Eric should have been introduced to his classmates, and when and if the children asked him about his ears the teacher could have taken that opportunity to talk to all the children about what makes us all different.The teacher could also take the opportunity to develop a lesson plan based on accidents that some people have and what happens.
6. Introduction, allowing to show his classmates his show and tell items even if it's not sow and tell day. Having one of his classmates show him around through out the day, and letting Eric sleep with his Elmo.
7. When the teacher made comments about the other children in a public place she violated their confidentiality.
8. Although this often happens it's fine as long as the child is not labled and given a chance. What may seem like bad behavior or acting out, may just be a sign of boredom. If a child is bored they will act out.
9. Appologize to the parent for violating her confidentiality code, and hope she gives you the opportunity to talk to the teacher about the way she treated the child.
10. If I was the mom I would look for a new childcare. Although this mabe hard on Eric moving to another childcare. The next time I would include Eric in the decision making of a new Child care facilitly.

journal entry 5

Kids Campus
October Staff Meeting

Our monthly theme for October is Fall,
All curriculum and lesson plans must be age appropriate and run by master teacher please make sure, it includes dramatic play, sand and water, reading, blocks, manipulatives, and art and music.This is due 2 weeks in advance. In the next 2 weeks start thinking about your November calendar, and the theme which is Thanksgiving and the different ways our families celebrate it. Have calendars ready 2 weeks  in advance to allow parents to prepare for it. This is espeacially important to our schoolagers parents for field trips.
Teachers your designated time for planning lesson plans is during the childrens nap time form 1:00 to 3:00 pm.
Field trips must be planned 2 weeks in advance and notices must include the following, time of departure, cost, attire, and whether or not the children will need a sack lunch.
We will also be having our annual Fall Festival.please remind your parents of the event and have all childrens progress reports ready for the parents schedule with enough time in between for questions from parents.
Teachers, October is also stranger danger month a police officer will be coming in to talk to our children about strangers, and safety procedures during Halloween.
Teachers, Rainbow Fleet, and Lakeshore, are both having several continuing learning opportunities, please take a look at our teachers board.
Last but not least Ms Dove has incorporated pinecones,and fall foilage, into her science center. Please go by her room and take a look at her center. Yea! Ms. Dove!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Journal entry 3

1. Although there may not be any children with nut allergies in the classroom, a child may have sibling who does have a severe nut allergy simply touching their sibling may cause a severe reaction. The rule in the handbook should be enforced and explained to the parent why these rules are enforced, and tell the parent they are welcome to bring anything with out nuts.

2. The teacher asking for the early Friday shift should talk to the other teachers to see if maybe some of them are able to give up that shift. If possible allow the teachers to try and work together on this towards a goal that works for everyone.

1. Talk to the teacher to cool down in your office. talk to your teacher who claimed the lesson plan and ask her if she needs help doing her lesson plan. tell her you noticed  that the plan she posted was exactly like the other teachers. Tell her you will have the other teacher help her with her own plan. and after they are done look over the plan ask her if she understood how to do her own plan on her own, and tell her if she still needs help you will allow the other teacher to mentor her, and help her.

2. First appologize to the father and the child tell him that you were not aware of the situation if you had been you would have made an incedent report as specified by centers policy. Let the father know that if he would like to that you will talk to the director and the director will set up a conference with the family. Then talk to the child in front of the father and let the child know that if anything like this happens again to let you know so that you are able to take care of the situation and administer the proper first aid.